Shad Ahmed Warwick, Rhode Island Frank Breau Brewer, Maine Chris Dupuis Lincoln, Rhode Island Emily Paul Baldwin, New York |
Kristen Rodina Ridge, New York Teresa Rodina Ridge, New York Amy Swiencki West Kingston, Rhode Island Jeff Tagen Wakefield, Rhode Island |
These eight University of Rhode Island students worked together and helped save the life of Katie Weiss, a second-year-nursing student from New City, N.Y., who was experiencing an epileptic seizure. While in the shower, her suitemate Kristen Rodina saw Katie unconscious on the tile floor. Together with her twin sister, friends and volunteer emergency medical technicians, the students saved Katie's life by delivering emergency medical attention during several critical minutes.
Harold Guise
Lincoln, Rhode Island
A certified Red Cross lifeguard, Harold was off duty surfing at Narragansett Town Beach when he spotted two swimmers in trouble. With no lifeguards on duty, Harold pulled both swimmers to safety.
Stewart Shaffer
Smithfield, Rhode Island
Stewart, a teacher at Pawtucket's Slater Junior High School, inspires students in class, as a coach and an advisor for many student organizations. Stewart also volunteers his time for Big Brothers of Rhode Island, the American Red Cross of Rhode Island and The Boy Scouts of America.
MARCH 2004
James McLoughlin
Jamestown, Rhode Island
James McLoughlin, 80 years old, is no ordinary senior. He regularly volunteers his free time and considers his activities everyday contributions. Over time, he has donated more than 200 blood donations to the RI Blood Center in Middletown and annually coordinates blood drives in Jamestown. As a member of the American Legion Hall in Jamestown, he cares for all the flags in Memorial Square, on veterans' graves and those brought to him by local citizens.� He also volunteers as a driver for the Jamestown Ambulance Association, ensure hot meals for Jamestown Meals on Wheels, is a park ranger at Fort Getty and works for the Department of Weights and Measures. McLoughlin is an inspiration to all.
Christine Provencal
Cumberland, Rhode Island
Christine Provencal, 40 years old, is recognized for her heroic efforts that saved the life of a drowning stranger. During December 2003, a car and its driver accidentally plunged into the icy waters of the Providence River. Returning home from her nursing position at Women and Infants Hospital, Provencal spotted the accident and dove into the river rescuing Marie Lamour. A nearby Department of Transportation crew pulled them to safety. Provencal had the courage to risk her life to save another.
APRIL 2004
Cory Arno
Central Falls, Rhode Island
Cory was running an errand one day when he noticed a woman on the side of the road trying to get help. He saw several cars drive past her before he stopped. The woman indicated that she was choking and, luckily, Mr. Arno, who was once a volunteer firefighter in Lincoln, knows how to do the Heimlich maneuver. After sending someone to call 911, Mr. Arno was able to clear the woman's airway before the ambulance even arrived. If this Community Hero had not stopped his car, the woman may have lost consciousness before she could get help.
MAY 2004
Col. Howard Brown (U.S. Army, Ret.)�
East Greenwich, Rhode Island
As a retired Army colonel and veteran of World War II and the Korean War, Howard Brown is an advocate for military causes of all kinds. The 86-year-old volunteers as secretary-treasurer for the 43rd Infantry Division Veterans Association and edits their newsletter. Brown serves as secretary of Westerly Armory Restoration, a non-profit dedicated to restoring the historic building for use as a museum and community gathering place. Brown previously served on the executive board of the Rhode Island Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, an advocacy group that promotes understanding of the rights and responsibilities of�reservists and their employers
Robin Croft
East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Robin Croft is an entrepreneur with a passion: Helping people down on their luck. Her giving spirit comes from her dad, John Croft, a recovered alcoholic who spent 33 years in Alcoholics Anonymous before he died. John Croft dedicated his life to helping those in need, whether it was driving an alcoholic to a detox center or making a sandwich for a homeless man. In memory of her dad, Robin Croft founded the John T. Croft Recovery House, a West Warwick safe house for women struggling with alcoholism and drug abuse. After opening its doors in November 2002, the non-profit has helped more than 20 women beat addiction.
JUNE 2004
Bruce Herrick
Disaster Specialist for the American Red Cross of Rhode Island AR-Chapter and member of the Potterville-Scituate Fire Department and the New England Search Team Incorporated, Bruce Herrick works tirelessly to help those who cannot help themselves.� His resourcefulness to procure needed supplies in any disaster situation has made him a valuable asset to the local chapter. He has worked quietly and diligently behind the scenes to provide disaster relief to victims and their families during Mass Care for Egypt Air, the Station Nightclub fire, the Middletown oil spill, the Pawtucket mill fire and the 9-11 tragedies.� His good nature and tireless efforts provide inspiration and comfort to other volunteers and staff.
Robyn Buck
Robyn Buck puts her faith-based values to work at the Child & Family Services (CFS) "Parent to Parent" program by providing guidance and support to young parents. Buck is one of the original volunteers in the CFS program and began her journey some ten years ago by loaning her own wedding dress to a young mother who couldn't afford her own. Last November that same woman's daughter was diagnosed with a terminal medical condition and Robyn decided to call on neighbors and friends to lend a hand. Robyn and her pre-teenage daughters organized a successful fundraising spaghetti dinner and silent auction to provide financial assistance.
JULY 2004
Barbara Radtke
One of the founding members of the Family Advisory Committee for Solutions and the Kent County Child and Adolescent Service System (CASSP), Barbara Radtke spends her days helping local families with behaviorally and mentally challenged children to get the help they need. From answering phone calls to attending school meetings and doctor's appointments, this mother with grown children of her own puts her experience to work for others in need. She sits on the CASSP Council and Care Planning Committees and serves on the Board of Directors of the Kent Center for Human and Organizational Development. Barbara will be acknowledged as July's Community Hero in local newspapers and on WLNE-TV, Channel 6.
Sharon Lombardo
As the cheer coordinator for the Warren/Swansea Redskins, Sharon's typical 80 hour weeks are spent building confidence, self-esteem and teamwork, since she assumed her position just three years ago. This year, with her guidance, two of the five squads have been invited to cheer at the National Championships in Walt Disney World. Sharon will be acknowledged as August Community Hero in local newspapers and on WLNE-TV, Channel 6.
OCTOBER 2004����������������������������������������������
Kyle Dennis & Lionel Weal
Director Kyle Dennis and Kids Caf� Coordinator Lionel Weal of the Southside Branch of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Providence came to the aid of an elderly man hurt by bullies at a public event. Their compassion, courage and quick thinking saved this senior citizen from further harm and brought the assailants to justice. Because they care enough to make a difference in the lives of those in their communities, we are proud to honor them as our Community Heroes.