Rhode Island Chapter���


*Introduction to Disaster Services (3 hours)

Provides fundamental information about the role of the American Red Cross in disaster response.Provides an overview of various volunteer opportunities within the Disaster Services Department. Includes an overview of the Incident Command System (ICS100).

**Introduction to Disaster Services is a prerequisite for ALL Disaster

Services Training. **

Administrating a Small Disaster Operation (13 hours over 2 days)

Prepares participants to administer a disaster operation in which no more than 30 families have been affected and which will be partially or totally funded by the national Disaster Relief Fund.

*Adult CPR (4 hours)

This course will teach rescue breathing, first aid for choking and CPR for victims over eight years of age. Participants will also learn what to do in an emergency and first aid for a heart emergency. Certificate is valid for one (1) year.

Adult CPR Review (2 hours)

Prerequisite: Current Adult CPR certificate

The purpose of this course is to refresh a person�s skills and provide the opportunity to become recertified in Adult CPR without having to take the full content course.

Art of Helping (7 hours)

Provides skills training that will enable participants to offer effective services to people who come to Red Cross for help. Participants learn about the basic concepts of how to help others, problem-solving and crisis intervention skills, what it takes to build good client relationships, how to use basic interviewing skills more effectively, and skills necessary for effective communications.

Community Disaster Education Presenters Workshop (6 hours)

Recommended:Fundamentals of Instruction and Facilitation.

Provides training on how to facilitate workshops in the community about disaster preparedness and/or response.

Damage Assessment I (3 hours)

Prepares personnel to serve as Damage Assessment workers on large-scale disaster relief.Note that this course does not cover damage assessment on local fires.That is covered in On the Scene.

Defensive Driving (4 hours)

Participants learn essential driving techniques that can reduce collision-related costs, injuries & fatalities.

Disaster Assessment: Available May 2006

Disaster Health Services: An Overview (3.50 hours)

Provides participants with basic information about the activities of the Disaster Health Services (DHS) function of the American Red Cross. Participants will learn what knowledge, skills and abilities are needed by DHS staff in a relief operation.

Disaster Health Services Simulation (6.50 hours)

Provides participants an opportunity to practice the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to work in the Disaster Health Services (DHS) function on a disaster relief operation. This course completes the basic preparation to work in DHS on local and national relief operations.

Disaster Instructor Specialty Training (13 hours over 2 days)

Prerequisite:Experience in disaster response, three (3) basic disaster courses and Fundamentals of Instruction and Facilitation.

Prepares instructors to effectively teach basic and intermediate disaster training courses and to ensure uniform and quality training consistent with Red Cross policies and the regulations and procedures of Disaster Services.

Disaster Mental Health Services: An Overview (3 hours)

Help participants understand the Disaster Mental Health Services (DMHS) function within the American Red Cross Disaster Services program. Participants will learn how DMHS supports disaster relief workers and people affected by disasters.

Disaster Mental Health Services I (13 hours over 2 days) Class is currently on HOLD status.

See the course fact sheet for licensing requirements

Prepare participants to use their professional skills to provide the specific activities and interventions necessary to meet the immediate disaster-related mental health needs of Red Cross workers, their families, and people affected by disaster.

Disaster Welfare Information (3 hours)

The American Red Cross has a system in place to try to re-connect individuals and families that have been separated due to a large-scale disaster.This system or function is called Disaster Welfare Inquiry. The purpose of this training is to prepare participants to handle Disaster Welfare inquiries in their local chapters. The participants will learn how to provide effective service, transmit an inquiry to Disaster Welfare Inquiry function on a disaster relief operation, and conduct follow-up to ensure that the inquirer�s needs are met.

Disaster Welfare Information Simulation (3.50 hours)

Prerequisite:Disaster Welfare Inquiry: Connecting Your Community

The purpose of this training is to prepare participants to work as team members in the Disaster Welfare Inquiry (DWI) function on a disaster relief operation.

Driver Training (3 hours)

Prerequisite: Current Adult CPR and First Aid certification

Provides training in the proper use of the Red Cross vehicles. Also covers guidelines associated with the operation of the vehicles.

DSHR Information Session: "How to Become a National Volunteer" (2 hours)

Provides an overview of the Red Cross national network of paid and volunteer staff and resources.

Emergency (123) Box Training (3 hours)

Trains Team Coordinators on the policies and procedures related to covering the emergency box (123 Box).

Emergency Equipment Training (8 hours)

Learn the nomenclature and operation of the Rhode Island Chapter�s owned equipment such as the Zumro tents, Scott Paks, Trailers & contents, converted rescues, NEXTELS, HAM Radios and other such equipment. Pre-requisite is AARP Defensive Driving or similar course. Does NOT include ERV: Ready, Set, Roll.

Emergency Operations Center (6 hours)

Prepares participants to serve as a liaison to represent the Red Cross at an EOC and support the information and coordination


Emergency Vehicle Training (8 hours) � Replaced by Emergency Equipment Training

ERVs: Ready, Set, Roll (7 hours)

In this course, participants obtain an overview of the basic knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to use an emergency response vehicle (ERV) safely and effectively and its equipment to meet feeding and other service needs of people affected by disaster. Pre-requisite: AARP Defensive Driving or similar class.

Exercise Design Course (4 hours)

The purpose of this workshop is to provide tools that will enable chapters and states to develop, conduct, and evaluate an exercise.

**Family Services: Providing Emergency Assistance (8 hours)

Enables participants to meet the emergency needs of families following a disaster.Helps participants develop the interviewing skills, knowledge, attitudes, and relationships necessary to meet the disaster-caused needs of individuals and families.

**Note that this course replaces both Emergency Assistance to Families I and Emergency Assistance to Families II.

Family Service Supervision I (13 hours over 2 days)

Prerequisite: Family Services: Providing Emergency Assistance

Prepares assistant casework supervisors to work directly and effectively withinterviewers to provide efficient and consistent emergency disaster assistance to families.

*First Aid Progression (3 hours)

Prerequisite: Current Adult CPR certification.

Course content includes bleeding, shock, poisoning and other common first aid emergencies. Certificate valid for three (3) years.

Fundamentals of Instruction and Facilitation (3 hours)

This self-study course provides the foundation needed to become an instructor and facilitator for the American Red Cross Disaster Services.

HAM Tech No Code ( 12 hours over 4 days � includes FCC Exam for license)

HAM Radio class is taught by experienced American Radio Relay League (ARRL) of Rhode Island instructors. Concentrates on how to set up and operate under adverse conditions. Recommended for Shelter managers, logistics & communications personnel as well as Disaster Assessment teams. All staff in a supervisory capacity is encouraged to take this course.

Human Resources in Disaster (3.50 hours)

Provide basic information about the activities of the Local Disaster Volunteers, Staffing, and Training functions in support of an American Red Cross disaster relief operation. Participants will learn how to deliver and support sufficient and effective human resources on a disaster relief operation.

International Humanitarian Law (3.50 hours)

Recommended prerequisite: Orientation to International Services

This course covers the legal protections for people impacted by war and discusses the work of the Red Cross on behalf of victims of war.

International Relief and Development (3.50 hours)

Recommended prerequisite: Orientation to International Services� This course covers the role of the American Red Cross in international relief and development and information and resources available to respond to community requests.� It also covers international delegates, in-kind donatoins, and how to facilitate the establishment of community-based programs and activities.

Liaison I: Community Collaboration (6 hours)

Prepares participants to build and maintain collaborative relationships designed to enhance the community's ability to respond to disasters.Learning objectives include: defining a community collaboration, identifying disaster preparedness needs and issues in the community, and identifying resources to implement the collaboration process.

Logistics: An Overview (3 hours)

Prepares participants to anticipate and carry out the Logistics function, including identifying resources to meet supply needs.

Logistics Simulation (4 hours)

Prerequisites: Logistics Overview

Provides participants the opportunity to practice the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out the Logistics function.

*Mass Care: An Overview (3 hours)

Provides basic information about the Mass Care function.Mass Care includes both feeding and sheltering operations.Participants will learn about the skills and abilities needed by Mass Care workers.

Mass Care II (13 hours over 2 days)

Prerequisites: Mass Care Overview, Shelter Operations, Supervision in Disaster, recommendation of local chapter.

Prepares participants to establish, operate and phase out Mass Care services on a State or Major disaster relief operation so that victim�s needs are met in a timely and cost effective manner.

Mass Casualty Disasters (8 hours)

Prepare Red Cross employees and volunteers to provide a more effective initial response to a mass casualty disaster.

Maximizing Our Diverse Workforce (replaces Inclusive Leader) (7 hours)

This is basically a diversity course for management level personnel.

*On the Scene (3 hours)

Required for all Disaster Action Team Members

Provides training for local Mass Bay Disaster Action Team Members.Covers local policies, procedures and paperwork.

Orientation to International Services (3.50 hours)

This is a foundation course for all paid and volunteer staff because it deals with our historical roots, our identity as part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and the reasons for American Red Cross involvement internationally. It presents an overview of international humanitarian law (IHL), tracing and other international social services (ISS), and international relief and development (IRD). This course is essential to the work of everyone at the chapter because it highlights the Fundamental Principles which provide direction and guidance for all American Red Cross service delivery.

Preparing for the Unexpected (1.50 hours)

Provide the public with information on how they can prepare for any type of disaster and respond to direction from authorities.

Public Affairs I (6.50 hours)

Assists participants in working with the Public Affairs function on a local disaster relief operation and to initiate the Public Affairs function on a State or Major disaster relief operation.

Records and Reports I (7 hours)

Prepares participants to work within the R&R; function in a disaster environment. Provides the worker with the tools to perform the R&R; activities that support other functions as well as co-workers on a Red Cross disaster relief operation.

Shelter Manager�s Workshop (3 hours)

Prerequisites:Mass Care: An Overview and Shelter Operations

Many people may feel that they aren't ready to be shelter managers after just the Shelter Operations and Shelter Simulation courses. This workshop takes that training one step further. It gives prospective shelter managers the tools and confidence needed in order to provide supervision and administrative support for Red Cross responsibilities within the shelter.

*Shelter Operations (3 hours)

Prerequisite: Mass Care: An Overview

Prepares participants to effectively manage shelter operations as part of a team and meet the needs of people displaced by disaster.

Shelter Simulation (3.50 hours)

Prerequisite: Shelter Operations Workshop

Provides participants the opportunity to practice the knowledge and skills necessary to run a successful shelter operation.

Supervision in Disaster (12.50 hours over 2 days)

Prerequisite:Basic or Intermediate Disaster Services Course for the function in which the applicant expects to become a supervisor, and experience as a worker in that same function.

Prepares participants to function effectively as Disaster Services supervisors.

Team Leader Training (3 hours)

Prerequisite: Experience working as a Disaster Action Team member and a nomination by a team leader or peer.�Provides participants with an overview of the role and responsibilities of a team leader.

Tips for Working with the Media (1.00 hour)

The purpose of this training is to prepare participants who have little or no Public Affairs background to have a positive experience with the media. It includes interview tips, guidance about media policy, and practical advice for staff who may encounter the media during the course of their work in Red Cross Disaster Services.

Tracing & Other International Social Services (3.50 hours)

Recommended prerequisite: Orientation to International Services

This course is essential for caseworkers who are doing or will do the international casework. Participants will focus on case studies and exercises, which are the heart of this course.

Trailer Towing (6 hours)

Prerequisite: Driver Training and must be an active driver.

Provides training in the proper way to hook up and tow the Red Cross trailers. Also covers guidelines associated with the use of the trailers.

Weapons of Mass Destruction/Terrorism: An Overview (3.50 hours)

This course is designed to provide basic information about the issues and safety concerns in performing our work in an environment involving a weapons of mass destruction and/or terrorism incident.

*Working with Total Diversity (formerly Serving the Diverse Community) (7 hours)

This is a skills-based training course that provides the tools for creating inclusive relationships with colleagues and clients. It focuses on the conversational skills participants will need to be effective in working and serving in diverse communities.

*Required for Disaster Action Team (DAT) members.

Note: Class times reflect instruction times only. They do not include breaks or lunch (if applicable).

Revised: 8/03/2005

©Copyright 2006 American National Red Cross RI Chapter. All Rights Reserved.

American Red Cross Rhode Island Chapter · 105 Gano Street :: PO Box 2496 · Providence, RI 02906

(401) 831-7700 · TOLL FREE 1-800-842-1122