Health and Safety Training

Choose a course:

  • Adult CPR
  • A.E.D. Automated External Defibrilator
  • Baby-sitting
  • Community CPR
  • Community First Aid and Safety
  • Infant and Child CPR
  • First Aid Basics
  • CPR for the Professional Rescuer
  • Lifeguard Training ... classes available, call for information
  • Pet First Aid
  • Sports Safety Training
  • First Aid and CPR Instructor
    Textbook for specific course (Non-Review Course)
    Certificate(s) after successful completion of course
    First Aid Training Kits for First Aid Courses
    Barrier masks for CPR courses
    Use of Manikins for skill practice

    FAMILY DISCOUNTS: (Not available for reviews or challenges)
    First family member pays full price and each additional family member (must reside at the same address) receives a 25% discount on course enrollment fees. The family member who pays full price will receive all course materials to be shared with other household family members. Each family member who successfully completes the course(s) will receive the appropriate certificates.

    Instructors Wanted:

    The American Red Cross of Rhode Island is searching for responsible individuals interested in becoming
    Health & Safety Instructors.
    Please call for information.

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