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the American Red Cross Rhode Island Chapter
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CPR & First Aid
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CPR-Adult, Child and Infant Review ( East Bay Branch)
$40.00 - $40.00
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CPR & First Aid
Ready-To-Go Emergency Preparedness Kit
Emergencies can strike at any time! The Ready-To-Go Emergency Preparedness Kit was designed to provide the basis for some of the supplies that may be needed to have available during an emergency. This kit includes a limited amount of food and water to get you from emergency to safety while providing some of the comforts from home such as a toothbrush/paste, radio and personal first aid kit. While the materials included in the kits are a good start, there is no kit that can provide all the supplies that individuals may need in an emergency. Your kit should be customized based on your own personal needs. A checklist of content to consider is included with the kit.
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: #RC321229
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CPR & First Aid
Standard First Aid with CPR/AED-Adult, Child Infant (East Bay Branch)
$65.00 - $65.00
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Health & Safety Courses
Displaying 1-3 of 3 Matches Found.
April 14, 2008
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