Put the FUN back into Fundraising
Here are some ideas of how to fundraise easily and with a lot of fun! Be sure to ask
the appropriate people for permission (including the RI Red Cross Chapter). Dress up with as much Red Cross attire you can find, and go to it!
- Dress Down Day
Have a dress down day at your office or school. Ask employees to contribute
in exchange for wearing comfortable clothes to work one day. Collect the money (checks are great!) and donate it to the Red Cross.
- Go Canning
Take one of our beautiful Red Cross fundraising canisters out for the day at
your local: Grocery store Gas station Clothing boutique Restaurant
Always ask for PERMISSION first, from the store owner and perhaps from the local police department.
- Tip Jar
Place a Red Cross fundraising canister at your store counter and ask for Red
Cross tips for the week.
- Fireman Boot Drive
Contact your local fire department to arrange for a local boot drive at a busy
intersection in your city or town.
- "Paint" Your Office/Store RED
Sell "Red Cross Squares" to your customers or colleagues and decorate your
office/store with them.
- Blood Pressure Screening
Take one of our skilled volunteers to your workplace to screen for High/Low
Blood Pressure. Ask for donations in return.
- Drive For Money
Ask auto dealerships to donate $25 each time someone takes a test drive.
- Disc Jockey Hero
Ask your favorite disc jockey to become a hero. Have listeners donate to
make him a Red Cross hero for a day.
- Run/Bike/Hike/Boat/Swim … COMPETE
Put together a race or competition with entry fees going to the Red Cross.
- Eat
Hold an eating competition with entry fees going to the Red Cross of RI.
- Meter Maid
Ask folks for coin donations when they reach into their pockets for the
parking meter.
- Stop Traffic
Have your local police department hold a traffic stop for the day (using our
beautiful fundraising canisters, of course!).
- Wash Cars
Hold a car wash in a large parking lot.
- Dance
Put together a Dance-A-Thon where dancers raise money to participate… it's
a party for charity.
Most of these ideas are things that may be done in one day. That's all it takes! And
the funds you raise do directly to assist your friends and neighbors when they need it most. Be sure to contact the appropriate people if you are interested in any of
these ideas. The Red Cross is here to assist you, as well. Thank you!