The American Red Cross of
Rhode Island is pleased to announce that camera-ready copy of a number of Safety Tips for your school, church, or organization newsletter will be available soon.
These tips will be offered in Portable Document Format* (pdf) for printing and subsequent transfer to your newsletter or other publication.
Following are some products, publications and other items that may be downloaded free or ordered by
phone, mail or online. Some of the most frequently requested items are available for viewing now.
SAFETY TIPS Each year, the American Red Cross responds
immediately to more than 67,000 disasters, including house or apartment fires (the majority of disaster responses), hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hazardous materials spills, transportation
accidents, explosions, and other natural and man-made disasters.
Red Cross disaster relief is always there when needed, but there are some things YOU can do to
help prepare for emergencies and keep you and your family safe ...
WORK'N LEISURE FIRST AID PRODUCTS The American Red Cross of Rhode Island is proud to offer Work'n Leisure First Aid
Products. Work'n Leisure Products is a proud supplier to over 600 chapters of the American Red Cross. They offer outstanding value, quality merchandise, and
superior customer service. They employ over 50 physically and mentally challenged citizens in their distribution facility in Milford, MA.
- CPR Training Kit � $1.00
- Standard Bandage Training Kit � $2.00
- Standard Bandage Training Kit w/ 1 Triangular Bandage � $1.50
- Pocket First Aid Kit � $5.50
- Travel First Aid Kit � $7.50
- Spill Clean-Up Kit � $9.95
- Pet First Aid Kit � $25.00
- Pet First Aid Kit Fanny Pack � $25.00
- Child Care First Aid Kit � $29.50
- Auto First Aid Kit � $15.50
- CPR Key Chain � $7.50
- CPR Key Chain w/ Gloves � $7.95
- Home & Travel First Aid Kit � $29.95
- Solo First Aid Kit � $9.95
- Sports & Recreation First Aid Kit � $14.95
- Personal Protection Kit � $14.95
- OSHA 5/15 Kit � $18.50
- OSHA 25 Person Kit � $21.50
- OSHA 50 Person Kit � $29.50
- Small Pillow Kit � $12.00
- Small Pillow Kit Fanny Pack � $12.50
- Kid's First Aid Kit Fanny Pack � $9.95
- Large Pillow Kit � $21.50
- Large Pillow w/ CPR Barrier � $25.00
- Babysitter First Aid Pillow Kit � $6.95
- Disaster First Aid Back Pack � $55.00
ORDER BY PHONE � Pay By Credit Card Call 1-800-842-1122 and have your credit card handy.

ORDER IN PERSON � Pay By Check or Credit Card Visit our Chapter Headquarters Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00
ORDER ONLINE - Pay By Credit Card Available Soon!
Community Disaster Education Materials are produced by the Red Cross and other
national organizations who share common goals with the Red Cross to help people prepare for, respond to, and cope with emergencies. Also available are videos,
materials for teachers and Red Cross instructors, background information for the press, and others.
These brochures and other materials will be available soon for online ordering. Many
will be available soon in PDF format for viewing and printing. Some of the most frequently requested items are available now for online viewing.
The Babysitter's Handbook can help you learn about the responsibilities involved in being a good babysitter. Use the handbook when taking the Babysitter's Training Course and then take it with you whenever you babysit. The handbook contains information and fun activities to help you learn about:
- Safety and Safe Play - Should they really play with that toy? When is it
okay to play outside? Learn how to prevent injuries by watching out for safety-related problems and fixing them.
- Leadership - How do you have fun with the kids and still stay in control?
Find out the best ways to negotiate, mediate, and encourage positive behavior.
- Basic Care - Feeding and diaper changing can be, well, kind of messy. Learn
how to handle these situations, and other babysitting basics, like a pro!
- Professionalism - What should you ask during a babysitting interview? What
do you need to know to have a safe and responsible babysitting experience? How should you act when you are "on the job"? We'll teach you how to put your best babysitter food forward in all situations.
- First Aid - Every babysitter needs to know what to do if an accident
happens. Get straightforward advice on how to manage everything from scrapes and bruises to life-threatening emergencies.
ORDER BY PHONE � Pay By Credit Card Call 1-800-842-1122 and have your credit card handy.

ORDER IN PERSON � Pay By Check or Credit Card Visit our Chapter Headquarters Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00
ORDER ONLINE - Pay By Credit Card Available Soon!
First Aid Fast is an illustrated quick-reference guide that provides first aid essentials. Well organized and easy to use, it
provides step-by-step guidance for the following emergencies: breathing emergencies, cardiac emergencies, injuries to muscles, bones, and joints; poisonings; and much more!
Sized to fit in your purse or briefcase, glove compartment, desk drawer, backpack, and, of course, your first aid kit.
Indispensable for parents, grandparents, family and friends. Also available in Spanish.
ORDER BY PHONE � Pay By Credit Card Call 1-800-842-1122 and have your credit card handy.

ORDER IN PERSON � Pay By Check or Credit Card Visit our Chapter Headquarters Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00
ORDER ONLINE - Pay By Credit Card Available Soon!
This easy-to-use, 268-page book provides basic information about HIV and AIDS in
a question-and-answer format suitable for laypersons and health professionals.
Topics include HIV transmission and prevention; testing; the blood supply; the
social impact of HIV infection; first aid, CPR, and aquatics; and children with HIV. A great resource for classrooms, clinics, and other settings. Available in English and Spanish.
ORDER BY PHONE � Pay By Credit Card Call 1-800-842-1122 and have your credit card handy.

ORDER IN PERSON � Pay By Check or Credit Card Visit our Chapter Headquarters Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00
ORDER ONLINE - Pay By Credit Card Available Soon!
The Humanitarian is the national magazine of the American
Red Cross. A four-color quarterly, this exciting publication appeals to both experienced Red Crossers and people who are less familiar with the scope of our services and programs. The
Humanitarian provides readers with information they can use to improve their own lives and inspires them to get involved in helping the Red Cross enhance and save the lives of others.
Each issue of The Humanitarian contains a compelling photo essay detailing recent newsworthy activities of the Red Cross
at home and abroad. Short profiles illustrate the many faces of the organization on a personal, emotionally appealing level, from its individual donors and volunteers to
the many people the Red Cross has helped. Feature articles describe how the Red Cross works nationally to combat problems like homelessness and school violence.
Other articles showcase innovative Red Cross programs, taking a closer look at practical issues like helping parents find good child care, giving the caretakers of
elderly relatives a break and providing summer jobs for youth. Rounding out each issue is "Then and Now," which takes a piece of Red Cross history and contrasts it
with our current activities, thus showcasing the ways in which the organization continues to build on its proud tradition.
- CLICK HERE to read the cover story of the latest issue.
- CLICK HERE to order a free copy of the entire issue of The Humanitarian by
e-mail ... just include your name and address.
Will you know what to do when your pet needs help? The American Red Cross, the nation's largest humanitarian organization and The Humane Society of the United States, the nation's largest animal protection organization, teamed up to help people help their pets.
This helpful first aid reference provides guidance for the more than 60 million U.S.
households in which 110 million cats and dogs live. Tips for keeping your pet happy and healthy are also included. The soft-covered book with lay-flat binding is 128
pages long, and features more than 130 illustrations.
ORDER BY PHONE � Pay By Credit Card Call 1-800-842-1122 and have your credit card handy.

ORDER IN PERSON � Pay By Check or Credit Card Visit our Chapter Headquarters Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00
ORDER ONLINE - Pay By Credit Card Available Soon!
WELCOME HOME Welcome Home is a guide for military persons who are returning home to their
families. Contains suggestions for how to make the transition smoother for the whole family.
This free guide is available online in Portable Document Format (pdf) for quick
viewing and printing. You may need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view and print this document.
* You may need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view and
print the documents. PDF is an acronym for "Portable Document Format." It's a file format created by Adobe that lets you view and print a file exactly as the
author designed it, without needing to have the same application or fonts used to create the file. Since its introduction in 1993, PDF has become an Internet standard for electronic distribution that
faithfully preserves the look and feel of the original document complete with fonts, colors, images, and layout.
Get Adobe Acrobat Reader Now