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Homeland Security


General explanations are given by the government for preparedness activities in the event of terrorist attack, but these are intended mainly for government agencies. Across the country questions of "What does a condition 'yellow' mean to me or my family? or What does this mean to a business or school?" remain. The American Red Cross recognized the need and developed a complementary set of guidelines.

The White House issued Homeland Security Directive-3, in March 2002, which established five threat conditions for possible terrorist attack: Green = Low; Blue = Guarded; Yellow = Elevated; Orange = High; and Red = Severe.

General explanations were given for preparedness activities for each level, but these were intended mainly for government agencies. Across the country questions of "What does a condition 'yellow' mean to me or my family? or What does this mean to a business or school?" remained. The American Red Cross recognized the need and developed a complementary set of guidelines for the following areas:

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American Red Cross of Rhode Island Additional Materials and Resources for Use with the Homeland Security Advisory System and American Red Cross Recommendations

CLICK HERE for additional American Red Cross materials dealing with terrorism and unexpected events. Or CLICK HERE to view the American Red Cross's online "Community Disaster Education" publications.

American Red Cross of Rhode Island  Notes

  • American Red Chapters can provide these materials and others at no cost or a nominal fee, depending on the item
  • Items with an (S) are available in Spanish
  • Many of the items listed on the public website are available in Spanish and other languages and available to be ordered in brochure form
  • The materials listed in this document are not meant to be the sole source of preparedness information for the American public

* PDF is an acronym for "Portable Document Format." It's a file format created by Adobe that lets you view and print a file exactly as the author designed it, without needing to have the same application or fonts used to create the file. Since its introduction in 1993, PDF has become an Internet standard for electronic distribution that faithfully preserves the look and feel of the original document complete with fonts, colors, images, and layout.

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