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What you need to know, and what every parent wants in a responsible babysitter! Participants receive our Babysitter's Handbook and First Aid Kit. COURSE OBJECTIVESDesigned for 11-to 15-year olds, the Babysitter's Training Course can help you: Prevent injuries and be prepared if an emergency does happen How to perform first aid Learn diapering and feeding techniques Choose safe and age-appropriate toys and games Handle bedtime issues Interview for a babysitting job Market yourself safely And more! COURSE FEE$40.00 ($25 through October 2002)8 Hour Course CANCELLATION POLICYThe American Red Cross of Rhode Island cannot refund payments for any classes unless we cancel the class. If you cannot make a class, you will be issued a credit for another class. This credit must be used within 90 days.Please register me for the class checked below:
Participants receive our Babysitter's Handbook and First Aid Kit.
Designed for 11-to 15-year olds, the Babysitter's Training Course can help you:
The American Red Cross of Rhode Island cannot refund payments for any classes unless we cancel the class. If you cannot make a class, you will be issued a credit for another class. This credit must be used within 90 days.
Oct. 13 & 20
Janice Capuano
Name: Address: City: State: Zip: E-Mail: (required for enrollment confirmation reply) Method of Payment: Visa MasterCard American Express DiscoverCard Number: Expiration Date: Telephone: (required for all credit card transactions)
City: State: Zip:
E-Mail: (required for enrollment confirmation reply)
Method of Payment:
Visa MasterCard American Express Discover
Card Number:
Expiration Date:
Telephone: (required for all credit card transactions)
By clicking "Register Now" on this form, you authorize the American Red Crossof Rhode Island to charge the course fees indicated and acknowledge that you have read and understand the Red Cross Cancellation Policy.
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