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Trains parents and caregivers to overcome any reluctance to act in emergency situations and to recognize and care for life-threatening respiratory or cardiac emergencies in infants and children. TRAINING OBJECTIVES Identify how to reduce the risk of injury to infants and children. Recognize the signs and symptoms of a breathing or cardiac emergency. Learn how to care for an infant or child who stops breathing. Learn how to care for an infant or child who is choking. Learn how to give CPR to an infant or child whose heart has stopped beating. Identify how to use your community's emergency medical services (EMS) system effectively. COURSE FEE$45.005 Hour Course NOTES For additional training opportunities see the schedules for Community CPR and Community First Aid and Safety. These courses all contain this component. CANCELLATION POLICYThe American Red Cross of Rhode Island cannot refund payments for any classes unless we cancel the class. If you cannot make a class, you will be issued a credit for another class. This credit must be used within 90 days.Please register me for the class checked below:
$45.005 Hour Course
For additional training opportunities see the schedules for Community CPR and Community First Aid and Safety. These courses all contain this component.
The American Red Cross of Rhode Island cannot refund payments for any classes unless we cancel the class. If you cannot make a class, you will be issued a credit for another class. This credit must be used within 90 days.
Name: Address: City: State: Zip: E-Mail: (required for enrollment confirmation reply) Method of Payment: Visa MasterCard American Express DiscoverCard Number: Expiration Date: Telephone: (required for all credit card transactions)
City: State: Zip:
E-Mail: (required for enrollment confirmation reply)
Method of Payment:
Visa MasterCard American Express Discover
Card Number:
Expiration Date:
Telephone: (required for all credit card transactions)
By clicking "Register Now" on this form, you authorize the American Red Crossof Rhode Island to charge the course fees indicated and acknowledge that you have read and understand the Red Cross Cancellation Policy.
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